Monday, 4 August 2014

Begin Again.

Now I know I have neglected both my blogs for a significant amount of time, and to you 6 faithful followers I am very sorry about that! This period of radio silence will probably continue for a while after this post as I embark on a new era of my life, that being University. But have no fear I do intend to return in the future.
Despite this I felt that it was almost compulsory to enlighten you and persuade you to get up and go to your local movie theatre and watch this film, Begin Again. 

The film stars Keira Knightley, (who for some reason many people seem to dislike, I personally have never understood this and find her fabulous, but if you are one of these people I urge you to get over that hurdle, because she plays a part like no other, and is so incredibly different to her usual glamorous self,) also staring is Adam Levine, Mark Ruffalo, Hailee Steinfeld and even Cee Lo Green. 
The film is essentially about music, creating music, producing music, and just really the love of music. It is one of those movies that inspires you and I would even go as far to say that is a movie which makes you, me, everyone, glad to be alive.

If this isn't enough to inspire you, then well, you obviously suck. But for those of you who's hearts I have won over check out the Trailer below, because even that is awesome.

Enjoy it.

P.S. You get to hear Keira Knightly sing. She is surprisingly amazing.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Cinderella 2015.

Ok so would say that I am 99.5% sure that who ever you are reading this, you will have watched Walt Disney's Cinderella. I mean it was a child hood favourite of like every girl, I'm pretty sure they even teach it in nurseries. 
So anyway next year a new Cinderella will the hitting the big screen. I know, how absolutely madly insane! And don't worry, it isn't another cartoon, by the looks it's a pretty adolescent take on the innocent film which we are all so used to. I doubt there will be many sweetly singing mice, but you never know.
To add to all this let me tell you, the cast looks absolutely incredible with a few new(ish) faces, Cinderella is to be played by Lily James (for those of you who watch Downton, she is Rose, the cousin of Mary and Edith). I am pretty sure she will be fabulous. Richard Madden (from the game of thrones) is to play the hansom price charming. The list goes on with Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Sophie McShera (Daisy from Downton), Holliday Grainger, Derek Jacobi and more. This cast is quite something. I defiantly have high expectations.

Poster Picture. Cinderella on horse back.

Hope your excited for this one.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Ok so I am sure the majority of people reading this will have heard about Gravity. The film came out in the cinema in late November I think. Well I have had a request to give my opinion of it. So I will! 
The film stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Without giving the whole thing away, basically both of them are in space working on a shuttle in space. During the time when they are out in the open in space a meteor shower suddenly appears and causes havoc and mayhem resulting in some pretty devastating problems. The rest of the film is about Sandra and George's return, or how they plan on doing it. 
I would totally recommend watching it. If anything it is just amazing that they even managed to film it in such a realistic manner. It would be insane in 3D...if you happen to have a 3D telly, which I imagine most people don't but you never know. 

But anyway if your stuck looking for something to watch, watch it. You wont regret it.

The trailer...


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Kings of Summer.

One of my great friends Phoebe recommended this to me. I can see why she loves it so much. It is inspiring but actually realistic unlike some run away films. 


Tuesday, 14 January 2014

A Single Man.

A Single Man is such a beautiful film. I think it may be one of the most beautiful films I have even seen in fact. I saw it for the first time only the other day when I was fishing through the DVD shelf and happed upon it. 
The cast is fabulous, Colin Firth, Julianne More, Nicholas Hoult (who is so good looking) and more but I will leave you some suspense.
The beauty is most probably because it was directed by the fashion designer Tom Ford. It has such incredible attention to detail and the light is so perfect. I have decided to not even show any photos from the film because I couldn't fine one good enough on google, they insulted its beauty. But of course I will show you the trailer...


Thursday, 9 January 2014

Nowhere Boy.

Ok so this is one of my all time favourite FAVOURITE films. It was released in 2009, so it has been around for a while. But if you by any chance haven't seen it, or maybe even heard of it, I recommend you watch it. It is truly great.
It was directed by Sam Taylor-Wood, who is also know for her wacky photography, so as you can imagine the whole movie seems like a work of art in its self, with lots of attention to detail. 
The film stars Arron Johnson, who I love. He is so great, and I am in love with his part in this film. He is just such a dude. Anyway the film is basically about the life of John Lennon before he started the band, The Beatles. I wont give anymore away, but you can watch the trailer...
